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What is a Neck Lift?

When it comes to your neck, it is almost impossible to hide the signs of aging. A neck lift is a surgical procedure that restores a more youthful look to the neck and jawline. If you struggle with sagging, wrinkled neck skin, vertical bands, or a saggy jawline, Dr. Fechner offers arguably the best neck lift Boston has to offer with a remarkable improvement in your overall look.

Am I a Candidate for a Neck Lift?

If you are tired of seeing loose or sagging skin on your neck, unattractive sagging jowls, and the skin on your neck has lost its youthful, elastic quality, you are likely a candidate for a neck lift. If you want to resolve a double chin, sagging neck skin, or a poorly defined jaw line, this treatment will dramatically improve your appearance. You should be in good health and at a stable weight. To ensure a smooth recovery, if you are a smoker, you should stop several weeks before your surgery.

What are the Benefits of a Neck Lift?

  • An improved contour of neck and lower facial area
  • Reduce excess and sagging skin
  • Tighten underlying muscles in the neck area
  • Minimize the appearance of creases and bands under the chin
  • Creates a more rejuvenated and youthful appearance
  • Very little scarring or downtime

What Should I Expect During the Procedure?

A neck lift will be performed under IV sedation. A small incision will be made under the chin to tighten the muscle and remove excess skin around your neck. Additionally, if you are correcting jowls, an incision will be made behind the ears to allow Dr. Fechner to lift and remove the excess skin.

Before & After

neck liposuction boston

How Long will the Neck Lift Procedure Take?

Each patient’s goals, age, and skin quality are unique, so neck lift procedures vary in length. The time required for surgery will be several hours.

How do I Prepare for Neck Lift Surgery?

You should expect to make some preparations in advance of your surgery. It is recommended to do not consume alcoholic beverages or anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin and ibuprofen. If you smoke, it is essential that you stop a few weeks before and after your neck lift in Boston. You are having surgery. Plan to have a friend or family member drive you home and stay with you the first night.

What is Recovery Like?

Once the procedure is complete, you will leave the surgery center with a bandage around your neck. This is to support your neck while maintaining the new contours that have been created. During the first five to seven days you will experience soreness and some tightness. It is normal to have some swelling and possible bruising. Do not use ice to minimize any swelling as it could also prohibit blood flow. Most patients say their overall pain in very mild and many times the pain is associated with the tightness they feel around their neck, which soon fades.

When Can I Return to Work?

You should feel up to returning to work after one to two weeks. Any strenuous activities must be put off for several weeks. You will be given the okay to return to vigorous exercise by Dr. Fechner when healing is complete.

Why Choose Dr. Fechner for your Neck Lift?

Experience, skill, and technique are qualifications needed to ensure a beautiful and natural outcome of any surgical procedure. As a double board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Frank Fechner has extensive experience and is committed to excellence. He educates medical students and other plastic surgeons in the U.S. and abroad. Dr. Fechner’s artistic vision will leave you with youthful and natural results that you will enjoy for years.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is There a Difference Between a Platysmaplasty and a Neck Lift?

A platysmaplasty is the medical term for a neck lift. A platysmaplasty addresses sagging neck skin and tissue, sometimes referred to as a “wattle,” and restores a more youthful definition to the jawline. Some patients are unhappy with vertical neck bands which can be addressed with a custom neck lift.

Will my Scars from the Procedure be Visible?

Choosing an experienced and qualified surgeon will always improve your chances of a successful surgery. Skill and technique are very important when creating a natural look and minimizing any possible scarring. The incisions for a neck lift are small and hidden from view. The neck lift incisions are located behind your ear and not visible, as they are placed in natural creases.

How Long Does a Neck Lift Last?

A well-performed neck lift should last from ten to twelve years. As you continue to age, gravity has an impact, and your neck skin may once again require treatment. A good sunscreen and skincare regimen are always recommended to extend the beautiful results of your neck lift.

How Long is the Recovery from a Neck Lift?

Plan on taking two weeks off work, although you may feel good enough to return sooner. Your neck will feel slightly tight in the early stages, and expect some swelling and bruising, all of which soon fade, leave you with a more youthful, fresh look – free from hanging skin, jowls, and left with a youthful definition to your jawline.


Dr. Frank Fechner

428 Shrewsbury Street,Worcester, MA 01604

Fax: (508) 754-4222 Tel: 508-306-8363
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428 Shrewsbury Street, Worcester, MA 01604

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